Hansraj peak trek

The HANSRAJ PEAK is the popular peak at elevation of (3998 m). It is situated at Pir-panchal range, about 15kms from Banihal pass on southward direction. This peak is second highest of Ramban district in Jammu and Kashmir.

Journey to the peak

Day 1

So,in the month of july 2021, when me and my cousins decided to go on trekking to this peak.we started our track at dawn, as the weather was very pleasant at that time. But as the time passed the weather started to get hotter and hotter , The path for the track was a one which was found by the people themselves and were surrounded by various trees. On the first day we covered around 10 to 12 km of the way and reached a flat and elevated land on the top of a mountain .

 We had brought tent and some food with us. So we made our tent and played with the kids of nomads who were living there in their huts. We even gave them some of our chips and food that we had prepared . At night the temperature fell to 5 to 8°C.

Day 2

The next morning , we could see the clouds beneath us,   we were at such a height . After finishing up and having breakfast , we left our bags with the nomads as the peak was not very far off , we start our track again . The way was full of slopes and zig-zag path  as we were on the top of the mountains . When we were atlast  on the foot of the Hansraj , we saw that the path to the peak had only rocks and even some herbs which is a famous attraction of the peak these herbs are used to make medicines. Due  to high altitude , the oxygen level was also low but it did not create any problem for us . The peak was also covered with snow at some places.  It was a very challenging track as the rock were hard to pass and there was no path other then through the rocks and stones . 

We  reached the top of the peak  with the help of those rocks . We can see some mountains of Srinagar from there , as it was very high . We clicked some photos to remember the track and view .

Then  we made our way back to the place we stayed and took our bags and other things with us. It was a very memorable journey and we got to know that it is still a mystery that why the Hansraj  peak is filled with so many rocks. I hope I will be able to go there again and find the answer for this mystery.